Friday, August 15, 2008

Black Women and their Hair.

Why is it that black women in general seem to have an inexplicable desire to grow their hair to a good length, and then all of a sudden get up one morning and say "Cho, mi tyad ah diss hair now", then go to the hair dresser and chop all of it off.

Now here is the interesting thing that us men just do not get. Less than one month after they CHOP off all their hair, they go out and buy synthetic hair (nowhere near as good as the hair God put on their heads) and intertwine this to the length of the hair that they had on their heads.

Now, I'm a man, so I guess I really cannot understand some of the things that the fairer sex do, but I really can't see a point to a woman complaining that her long her is hot and that she can't bother with it, and two weeks after CHOPPING it off she goes out and extends the length of it artificially (which I imagine should be a lot hotter in terms of heat, not sexiness, than what God gave her).

Now, white women don't do this, asian women don't do this, Indian women don't do this, but yet black women wonder why their black men will leave them 4 a white girl. Everyone knows that men like women with hair. Rihanna's record label tried (in vain) to prevent her from cutting her hair. Why would they not want her to cut her hair? Could it be that they thought that more hair would have added to her appeal? You be the judge.

All I can say for me is that I want a woman with hair. And I cannot (and will not) deal with a woman who chops off her hair because she woke up one day and just could not bother with it. She cyan go look a nex' man.

And while I am on the subject of hair - the sew in, weave in, glue or any other kind of "in" is a no-no. For me, it's either it's real or it's real. If for some reason the woman has a medical condition and the hair can't grow as long as she would like, I guess that I would have to live with it short. If it is a chemotherapy thing and she ends up with no hair, I guess I would not be averse to the wig thing. But no way could I deal with a woman having good healthy hair and cutting it off.

Do some of u women know how some other women would love to be able to have so much hair growing out of their skull that they are tired of it. Lots of women would love to have that problem.

And why do some women get the impression that men like to see them with long FAKE hair. Men prefer a real woman - a woman who is real in every way. But, at the end of the day, women certainly have the right to choice what they do with their hair.

That's my two cents on black women and their hair. Think about it.